The Tian-Shan Geological Society is a non-profit, independent, non-political organization. The Society promotes the unification of like-minded people, researchers, scientists, engineers, technicians, miners, students, graduate students and people of different professions with the aim of: developing scientific and applied research in the field of Earth sciences, preserving the geological environment, increasing professional education and international cooperation in the realization of projects and application of advanced science technologies and technology.
Our ideas and objectives:
The Geological Society aspires to be a part of the international cooperation, despite language barriers. To be a part of the world community in scientific discoveries and achievements, in the use of knowledge about the Earth.
Our society was created to develop international cooperation in the realization of international geoscience programs, build up the mineral and raw material base without harming the environment, developing geo-tourism as a way of preserving natural resources, and increasing professional education.
Our priority tasks and directions: development of scientific, applied research in the field of Earth sciences; study of geological threats and disaster risk prediction; conservation of natural resources; environmental research; changing of the climate; water resources; environmental protection.
Our mission:
Promote the development of Earth sciences. Explore and obtain results, promote research and discoveries in the Earth sciences, serve our society, manage knowledge, and promote geoscience professions.
The Tian-Shan geological society, is based on a voluntary basis, and unifies people engaged in geological study of the territory of Kyrgyzstan. Scientists, graduate students, teachers and students of higher and secondary specialized educational institutions of geological profile and related sciences can be members of society. The society is intended to promote the professional growth of young scientists – researchers of the Earth at all levels of knowledge and in all sectors: academic, business and industrial. Our geological society is open to everyone who wishes to explore and discover, develop and improve the Earth sciences. Welcome to the Tian-Shan Geological Society.
The main activities of the Geological Society.
Considering the current state of development of Earth sciences, modern challenges and problems of the geological environment, the development of dangerous natural and man-made processes and phenomena, the modern level of professional education, international experience and prospects for international cooperation in the field of Earth sciences and related areas, prospects for the implementation of international projects, the main activities of the Geological Society are the following areas:
- Education: improving the quality of department education, holding conferences; geo-tourism development; independent assessment and recommendations on scientific work, monographs and dissertations; international cooperation.
- Applied activities: independent geological and prognostic assessment of mineral deposits; assessments in hydrogeology and engineering geology; assessment of hazardous natural, man-made processes and phenomena.
- Scientific activity: rational use of natural resources; wise increase of the mineral raw materials base without causing harm to the environment; monitoring and forecasting geological and technological threats; use and conservation of water resources; alternative energy sources and other areas.