Tien-Shan is a unique mountainous country where the geological history of the Earth is clearly presented. The geological heritage, in the form of outstanding aesthetic landscapes and landforms, is an important tourist resource that can and should be demonstrated to tourists. This is the only way to preserve natural geodiversity. Tien-Shan and its geological diversity is a natural open-air laboratory that is important to preserve for young generations as an important resource for sustainable development.
Some countries are actively developing new approaches for more sustainable tourism development. For example, the development of Geoparks. The creation of Geoparks is a new UNESCO approach to the development and management of sustainable tourism.
We are used to traveling and enjoying objects of material culture or the magnificent beauty of lakes, forests, snow-capped mountains and green valleys. But few people think about the fact that geological landscapes lie at the heart of all tourism resources and ecosystems – the geological diversity that we are used to taking for granted. But, geological landscapes form the basis of the beauty and diversity of the Tien-Shan nature. They can be displayed to tourists and be objects of research and education, which means they should be preserved as a natural asset.
Sustainable tourism aims to ensure that local communities can fully reap the revenues from tourism development, and tourism growth helps to preserve and maintain the natural and cultural wealth of these regions without endangering them.
In turn, Geoparks, as UNESCO sites, act as a platform for the development of sustainable tourism.
The role of the geological heritage, the aspects of the creation and development of UNESCO Geoparks, as a new approach to sustainable tourism development in Kyrgyzstan, is planned to be demonstrated at the UNESCO International Seminar in Batken, which will be held on September 18-20, 2021.
International experts, specialists and scientists from the countries of Central Asia and Europe, as well as local experts and those interested in the development of Geoparks are invited to the seminar.
The main theme of the event: “UNESCO Geoparks in Central Asia – a territory for sustainable management of geological hazards, water resources and the development of geotourism”
The organizers of the International Seminar are the Tien Shan Geological Society and Batken State University with the support of the UNESCO International Geosciences and Geoparks Program. http://geotianshan.org/projects/new-project/